Why are you checking this site on Labor Day? Take a break! Go to the lake. We'll be back on Wednesday with a work of art.
Seth, this poem needs a lot of work. The rhyme scheme "Take a break!/Go to the lake!" is weak and predictable. Maybe start from scratch again on this one?
Welcome to the Common Guild. We are before grass roots. We are somewhat like grass seed. Here you will find musicians, artists, and writers, all seeking to let you in on a bit of their musings.
The Rules are fairly simple. We will put up a song, piece of visual art, or short writing (we will endeavor to have 3 posts or so per week (sometimes more, sometimes less). Music on Mondays, visual art on Wednesdays, creative writings on Friday. You, in turn, will generate the true content of this blog-the comments. Please contribute and join us in the project. You may comment on the content, the presentation, the musical arrangement, or any other thing as you see fit.
Remember, we all have our part to play. We are about discussion and feedback on this site-we're about doin'.
A Common Blog
Common: belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question. (http://www.dictionary.com/)
Want to joint the community? Let us know.
We don't know how many of us there are yet. But we look forward to getting to know us. This is your community.
Common Contacts
Want to know when we post? Subscribe to the RSS feed here. Don't know about feeds? A feed is an easy way for you to find out when new content has been published. Search for "feed" in the help menu of your browser to find out more. Some browsers also call feeds "live bookmarks." Want to contribute or just contact us? common.guild.music@gmail.com
Seth, this poem needs a lot of work. The rhyme scheme "Take a break!/Go to the lake!" is weak and predictable. Maybe start from scratch again on this one?
I’m blogging again. Please adjust your life accordingly! :)
Crap, that was my best shot. I am not a poet.
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