Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hymns for Friday-Great Jehovah

(click on the title to download song)

I was asked to rewrite a hymn for Church on Sunday. My wife helped me redo it. This is very rough, but here is how it is coming. I will take this post down on Sunday, and be uploading a new song by the Baker. Listen to this one while you can and let me know how you feel about it.


Anonymous said...

it sounded good first service, but this recording sounds nothing like how you had it by today. bravo.

Raysaway said...

Not sure I was familiar with this hymn. Like most great hymns and poem-songs, familiarity with the lyrics is essential to "getting it". This is something that would need to be repeatedly offered to really generate appreciation.

I like stuff like that. Most of the stuff that you get right off, doesn't last.