Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CG Format-The Hamster is Coming!

Welcome back.  We have decided to tinker with the format around here.  We have decided to open this site up for all mediums--music, visual arts, creative writings.  Starting this Friday, we will begin to explore the other talents of those of you who are faithful to visit the site.  Here is the basic rundown.  

On Mondays, we will post new music.  Of course, Josh, Matt, and I will carry the load, but if you are out there writing solid pieces, send them our way.  We would love for you to take a Monday off of our hands.

Wednesdays, we will post a piece of visual art for discussion.  We have yet to find any visual artists (photographers, painters, sculptors, etc.).  If you have the skills to pay the bills, send it our way. We would love to post your stuff.

On Fridays, we will have creative writings.  We hope to have guest posters for Fridays.  This Friday, the guest post will be provided by the Hamster.  If you haven't read his work before, visit his site for a taste of what he offers.

The weekends?  Anything goes.  Tune in Friday to see what's cooking with the Hamster.  I hope you enjoy what he has to offer.  Then Monday, Baker will be dropping something new on us all.  Wednesday?  It's still up in the air.  Be the first--SEND US YOUR ART! 

For those of you who would like to throw your name into the posting ring, our email address is listed in the right column.

Train Wreck, Threedux (huh?)

While pondering this topic, I have come across a post of a friend of my wife's. It is worth reading. Let her know what you think.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Train Wreck, Redux

When I heard his voice on the telephone, I could tell that he was exhausted. That reaping the repercussions from doing that act that mama taught you not to do but you did it anyway kind of exhausted. That I’ve carried this around for a long damn time kind of exhausted. And it’s not over.
When I heard his voice on the telephone, I heard the metal on metal. His voice the metal grind of a run-a-way train careened out of control. And he was asking me for advice.
What do you say to you friend who is sitting guts deep in the train wreck? What did folks say to you when you were sitting guts deep in the train wreck? Has anyone inspired you when your life careened out of control? How? I need you guys to offer some answers.
If you are new to the site, you are unfamiliar with one of our first posts. You can listen to the Train Wreck here.

Take A Chance (dah dah dah dah DAH)...

Activity has picked up on the site!  We are glad you decided to drop in.

As an update, the file-site we were using to store our songs for your download has been (or is being) shut down.  As a result, we will not be able to post any new songs for a few weeks.  But it 'aint gonna slow us down! 

Over the next few days, we will be posting food for your general consumption.  We already have some good discussion threads going on "21" and the various other songs we have posted in the past.  Keep it going.  If you haven't downloaded the songs (such as "21" or "Addicted to Love"), what are you waiting for?  Listen.  Comment.  Keep the threads going.

I would also like to extend an invitation to you.  Send us your short stories, your poems, your songs, your paintings (actually a photo of the painting will do just fine).  We could use them for discussion.  Remember, this is a sort of online forum for all.  Don't let your art die a quiet death in the inner recesses of your bedroom (or kitchen, or bathroom, or wherever you come up with your creative works).  Why not share them with us?

In the words of my former roommates favorite band, "take a chance, take a chance, take a chance...."

Email us at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Thoughts on 21

(click here to visit the 21 post and download the song)

Render unto Caesar...

Forget the Disney day care (see 21 post and song linked thereto), what about a private Jet? Rusty, how many villages would that feed?

Blog Roll Building

It's time for us to build a blog roll. Have a blog? Comment with the name and we will add you to the blogroll we are creating. Just find it in our heart to reciprocate.

Back to work... see the posts below.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thoughts on "21"

(click here to download the song "21")

Visit this blog regarding the Willow Creek model. This was sent to me by my dear friend Nicole after reading the lyrics to 21 (see post below). See also

The day after Nicole sent me the above link, I had an incredible dinner conversation with a friend (hereinafter known as "Friend" for confidentiality sake) over a very bland Oklahoma crab boil. Friend is a small town, big church youth minister who is unafraid to ask some very difficult questions, including "why is this crab so darned bland? Didn't they put any crab boil in here?" We began discussing church programming and he intimated that constant programming hasn't really done much for his youth's spiritual growth. In fact, it hasn't even added that many new, committed youth. We then began discussing re-thinking bible-belt church and bibl-belt language. Which led me to the following questions:

What if we could shell all of the programs and all of the church language (i.e. "saved") and begin to explain Christianity at a relational level? What if we stopped feeding our selves with pot-lucks, and revivals, and VBS's, and started serving the school districts in which our churches are situated? What if we stopped throwing money at projection screens and started throwing it toward community clean-ups and homeless ministries? Would that make a difference in the number of believers that came to faith? Would that faith be more authentic, more genuine? Would it eventually make a difference in the spiritual depth of believers that are raised up in the church?

My questions for you:

(1) what kind of church do you attend? Is it program driven (i.e. pizza blasts, revivals, sponsored super bowl parties, special events)? If so, do you think it is effective in "making disciples?";

(2) If you don't attend a program driven church, what does your church do to make disciples? How do you get into the community?

I need answers here. I think the boys in Mozambique should also put their two cents in the hat. Come on Kyle and Rusty, you can be part of my church.

Comment here, or on the "21" post... Just comment.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


(click on the title to download song)

Warning: this is the song that could get me in trouble. Really. At least with some of you.

Please do not take this song as a comment on any one church. It is not. Instead, it is a commentary on the materialism that seems to drive certain congregations in America, and throughout the West. I apologize for the raw commentary, but please understand that I very much identify with the church of which I speak and, from time to time, find myself wanting to be a part of that church. After all, who here does not get excited by the "stuff of earth"? I do. Especially when I can justify the stuff by its particularly keen spiritual application (who else here has bought an x-box for purposes of ministry? I have.).

I guess my broader question is, does this have to be the focus of our local congregations? Is there anything wrong with our "play places"? Does the church that makes such outlays make correlating expenditures to missions, poverty, community devlopment. I don't know, maybe this is where I rely on you guys for some input...


The church just purchased all their dreams with a buck
that was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government
They filled it up with movie theater seats and flat screens
That were borrowed from the bank
That were borrowed from the government

They rationalized it with the lies that if you build it they will come
And pay for all you built
They graced the halls & walls with shades of paints in gray that muted all their guilt

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
You draft, your vote, your tax
Your government TV
Render unto Jesus that which is Jesus'
And when you've paid Matthew
Leave with him, come follow me

The church just purchased ethical degrees with a buck
That was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government
They purchased corporate morality with a buck
That was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government

They entertained the candidates
And were obliged to make endorsements on
And in return they wrote the bill
That made its way to Capitol Hill
That rezoned the homeless wanderer
To maintain their white facade


We sacrificed our charity so that we could have our own
Disney Day Care Place
We reconciled our ledger and became the moral debtor
So that we could tax a tithe their wage
We rant and rave and froth and foam to justify the loan
So that we can lay claim to another piece of land
And we ignore the rising anger in the stomach of the MakerAs his fists of fury pound out--"Frankly, I do not give a damn!"