Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CG Format-The Hamster is Coming!

Welcome back.  We have decided to tinker with the format around here.  We have decided to open this site up for all mediums--music, visual arts, creative writings.  Starting this Friday, we will begin to explore the other talents of those of you who are faithful to visit the site.  Here is the basic rundown.  

On Mondays, we will post new music.  Of course, Josh, Matt, and I will carry the load, but if you are out there writing solid pieces, send them our way.  We would love for you to take a Monday off of our hands.

Wednesdays, we will post a piece of visual art for discussion.  We have yet to find any visual artists (photographers, painters, sculptors, etc.).  If you have the skills to pay the bills, send it our way. We would love to post your stuff.

On Fridays, we will have creative writings.  We hope to have guest posters for Fridays.  This Friday, the guest post will be provided by the Hamster.  If you haven't read his work before, visit his site for a taste of what he offers.

The weekends?  Anything goes.  Tune in Friday to see what's cooking with the Hamster.  I hope you enjoy what he has to offer.  Then Monday, Baker will be dropping something new on us all.  Wednesday?  It's still up in the air.  Be the first--SEND US YOUR ART! 

For those of you who would like to throw your name into the posting ring, our email address is listed in the right column.

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