Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday-Recap The CG World

Although we try to post a little piece of creative writing on Friday, I thought that today would be a good day to recap the CG World.

As you know, we provide content for discussion. We love to write music, take photos, paint paintings, and write writings, all for you consumption (and ours). With that in mind, here are some highlights. Check them out.

The recent photo by Spring Weaver made me laugh when I saw it. The decision: walk me, says Rufus, or play that darned guitar in the background. I'm blue.

Oh, My Bride. What a nice tune (go download and listen). A musical response from Matt Brock to the previous post by Rusty, and resulting comments on A Refurbished Rendering. The Rendering got heated... we suggest revisiting both posts and continuing the work.

In the spirit of diversity, we've had Asian Pears and African Children running through (Obama Said What?!?).

We laughed at our first Cereal Poem, and hid under our desks when we found out that the Devil lived in the attic. And the Lodge Men? A good piece of work that deserves more work.

Not to mention collaborative efforts by Seth and Baker, Abortion Songs, and the Pied Piper Song.

Forward this post to your peeps who would be interested. And get to work...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday-Photo by Spring

If you don't like this, you ain't right. Although the members of CG did not take this photo, it says a lot about us, and this site. This photo was submitted by Spring Weaver, not to be confused with Dream Weaver. She has preovided a description below. Please pontificate in the comments section. Please visit Spring's site to check out her witticisms and other general goodness.And don't forget to keep working on Monday's musical post.

Pictured: Rufus Wainwright Weaver, 2 years old, lover of walks, bones, his stuffed tiger aptly named "tiger," doggie daycare, and modeling.

Photograph by: Spring Weaver, 25 years old, lover of Rufus Wainwright Weaver.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Music-Oh My Bride

(click on the title to download song)

Sorry for the long break. We're back.

There was long discussion on this blog regarding the use of "the Bride" metaphor. The debate was too long to recap, but suffice it to say, there was general disagreement on the use of the metaphor. This got the Baker's wheels turning. Here is what he has to say (or sing) about it.

Please don't forget to comment.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Friday Film?

I (Seth) know that we normally post some creative piece of writing on Friday, but this week is the exception.  I have posted part 1 and part 2 of a video that was compiled by my dear friend Kyle.  I visited this farm in Mozambique this year.  Pardon me for the deviation from course, but it is still creative.

Please forward this link along and ask your friends to make a difference.  You may contact us at the email to the right if you want to know how to get involved.

Part 1-

Part 2-

Monday, September 1, 2008


Why are you checking this site on Labor Day? Take a break! Go to the lake. We'll be back on Wednesday with a work of art.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Writings-Lodge Men

Enjoy this poem by CG guest contributor Brad. Let's discuss...


Lodge Men

The men descend the mountain early
Sun breathing light into the trees.
Backs bent, the angle of old age.

They leave the Lodge each morning,
medicated by nurses, shuffle down
dirt paths, roads of rock and clay.

The first paved road they come to
a highway; the men drift over the
white line. Their drug-heavy blood
called to by some new magnetic north.

Down the road, at the Dari-Delite,
they find unlocked cars. Diners leave
and find Lodge men in the passenger seat.
“Can you take me to Mulberry?” Lodge men ask.

Mulberry, down the road a few miles,
no one knows the names given to these men:
Scarfy, Captain America
More come and gone so fast names won’t stick.

One night, at the Dari-Delite, Scarfy
drags his feet down the road. Long red
scarves trailing down his pants leg, scraping
the highwayside debris. A friend dares
me to speak to him. “If he comes,” I say.

Scarfy trundles toward us. He stands at
The corner, eyes not on anything. “Hi,” I say.
For a moment, nothing. Then Scarfy
bends forward, arm and finger extended,
Lips parted. His laugh crackling the air.
That laugh still in my ear: feet scraping rock
and clay, men drifting up the hill with the dying light.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Music-Piper

(click here to download song)

Today we drop a new song by Seth.

This song came in the car, while I was thinking about the old tale of the pied piper. An odd thought for a song? Sure. I happened to be reading John 6 at the time and found some similarities in the two stories.

Let's here your interpretation of this one in the comments. Feel free to let me know the good, the bad, and the ugly. I enjoy all comments.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Writings-Crossroad

Today is an experiment in collectivity. In an attempt to find a common story, we will be collectively writing a short offering. We have considered doing this once every couple of months, but need a test run to see if you guys buy in. Maybe it works; maybe it doesn't. Either way, We're not scared to give it a shot. So, here goes.

We will offer the beggining of a piece of short fiction. Just a snippet. We're going 1st person for our first attempt. You will fill out the story over the next couple of days with the next piece of the story. Just go to the comments section and keep the story going. The story will close at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Hopefully, it will end with the line, "And then I found $20." So let's get to work.

Dirty deltic crossroads are a dime-a-dozen where I come from. And the Devil don't sit in the middle waiting on you with an old beat up Martin and promises of grandeur. You ain't always torn between north or west, you just go. But not today...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday Art-Asian Pears

We have received the first painting from Common Guild contributor Cindy. Cindy, drop us a bio of yourself in the comments and tell us how you started painting. Then let us know why you chose the "Asian Pears."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Music-3,700

(click here to download song)

Listen to Josh Graber's new song! This song was recorded on his cell-phone, which semi-amazes me. I will let Josh drop a brief description of this song, either here or in the comments. Josh?

Get to work on it. See if you can figure it out before Josh drops his comments.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visual Art Wednesday-Send Me Your Art!

Today is visual art Wednesday, and we are still collecting works from you all. We have received a few (that are quite interesting). Forward pictures of your art. We'd love to post it here over the next few months. Send photos of your work to The first one to forward art along to that website will receive today's post AND a $10 iTunes gift card!

Don't forget, this is a site to show case all of us. Speaking of which, stay tuned for our creative writing post on Friday, in which we will be featuring a poem by a very special guest poster.



Here is one of the pictures I received yesterday. Thanks, Melody ($10 to you). This photograph interests me. It was a nice use of blurred color and light. It seems soft and mysterious.

Great Work. Keep them coming folks!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Music Monday-Fall, Fell, Fallen, Have Fallen

(click here to download song)

What happens when Baker and Seth lock themselves in a kitchen with nothing but a set of lyrics and a musical outline?  Listen here.  The first collaborative project from the guys (more to come).

I think that the song is pretty stinking straight-forward.  That aside, Matt, why don't you take a stab at explaining this one on the comments. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visual Wednesday-Obama Said What?

It is visual art Wednesday and I was going to post a picture of a Pieta sent by a friend Megan (wait till next week), but in light of recent emails in which she and I engaged, I post the above.  For background, I received an email indicating that Obama gave a speech in which he was for reparations (which oddly, he did not say).  The email chain that ensued spiraled out of control; the bourgeois responded one to another, showing their true colors.

What does these pictures mean to you?  To see what they mean to me, see the comments.

And don’t forget to keep working on the most recent musical post, “Wait it Out”.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Music Monday--Wait it Out

(click to here download song)

It's Music Monday! Baker has just finished a new song that is now officially posted. Below is a brief narrative, provided by Baker. Enjoy, and don't forget to come back and comment.

Here is the shorthand premise of the song:
this song, as the title implies, is about being patient.
It attempts to portray not only a verbal sense of
the despondency that Christian people can encounter
with regard to personal spiritual attack, but a vocal
howl that symbolizes the pain and anguish one can
encounter while having to consider a proper reaction to
painful times or until appropriate encouragement is either
given or found. I have recently been encountering such a period, which
I cannot say has been terribly troubling, but has been
difficult nonetheless.
The song should be separated into
3 parts. First, the verse describes the problem that is
being encountered. Second, the tag represents either
encouragement being given or remembered by the suffering
one and were all taken from well-known hymns so to
re-establish that the concept of security in Christ and
hope are ancient ideas (which i think is in itself comforting). And
third, the chorus is supposed to be the conclusion made by
the person who is struggling after considering what to do with
the plight that's being faced.

The falsetto was placed to express that even when you know you
should believe something and that it is right, doesn't mean that it
won't still hurt or that you can avoid pain.
The vocals are meant to express pain mostly, and that is ok.
The song is somewhat long which i like because it should be expected
with the title of the song.
I can post the words if anyone is interested. i would greatly enjoy any
picking apart and criticism. The recording is rough, but it's a start.

The Baker

Friday, August 1, 2008


Too young to read, I scanned heiroglyphic
Boxtops like church signs in ancient Egypt.
Striped tiger, enthroned on deep blue, a rain god
Who buried grreat treasure in his toy crypt.
The fire god - rainbow-beaked toucan - bid his
Loopies hallow him as "Sam." Golden crisped
Sun-god bear wafts sugary sweet puffs
Of incense through wired worshippers' piss.

But, I learned: Trix rabbit ain't no trickster,
Count Chocula no negro vamp. Franken
Berry did not transgender, and Fred's bright
Pebbles ain't Flinstone fruit poop a-stankin'.
Too old to believe boxtop gods are real,
I left Old Egypt for modern oatmeal.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CG Format-The Hamster is Coming!

Welcome back.  We have decided to tinker with the format around here.  We have decided to open this site up for all mediums--music, visual arts, creative writings.  Starting this Friday, we will begin to explore the other talents of those of you who are faithful to visit the site.  Here is the basic rundown.  

On Mondays, we will post new music.  Of course, Josh, Matt, and I will carry the load, but if you are out there writing solid pieces, send them our way.  We would love for you to take a Monday off of our hands.

Wednesdays, we will post a piece of visual art for discussion.  We have yet to find any visual artists (photographers, painters, sculptors, etc.).  If you have the skills to pay the bills, send it our way. We would love to post your stuff.

On Fridays, we will have creative writings.  We hope to have guest posters for Fridays.  This Friday, the guest post will be provided by the Hamster.  If you haven't read his work before, visit his site for a taste of what he offers.

The weekends?  Anything goes.  Tune in Friday to see what's cooking with the Hamster.  I hope you enjoy what he has to offer.  Then Monday, Baker will be dropping something new on us all.  Wednesday?  It's still up in the air.  Be the first--SEND US YOUR ART! 

For those of you who would like to throw your name into the posting ring, our email address is listed in the right column.

Train Wreck, Threedux (huh?)

While pondering this topic, I have come across a post of a friend of my wife's. It is worth reading. Let her know what you think.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Train Wreck, Redux

When I heard his voice on the telephone, I could tell that he was exhausted. That reaping the repercussions from doing that act that mama taught you not to do but you did it anyway kind of exhausted. That I’ve carried this around for a long damn time kind of exhausted. And it’s not over.
When I heard his voice on the telephone, I heard the metal on metal. His voice the metal grind of a run-a-way train careened out of control. And he was asking me for advice.
What do you say to you friend who is sitting guts deep in the train wreck? What did folks say to you when you were sitting guts deep in the train wreck? Has anyone inspired you when your life careened out of control? How? I need you guys to offer some answers.
If you are new to the site, you are unfamiliar with one of our first posts. You can listen to the Train Wreck here.

Take A Chance (dah dah dah dah DAH)...

Activity has picked up on the site!  We are glad you decided to drop in.

As an update, the file-site we were using to store our songs for your download has been (or is being) shut down.  As a result, we will not be able to post any new songs for a few weeks.  But it 'aint gonna slow us down! 

Over the next few days, we will be posting food for your general consumption.  We already have some good discussion threads going on "21" and the various other songs we have posted in the past.  Keep it going.  If you haven't downloaded the songs (such as "21" or "Addicted to Love"), what are you waiting for?  Listen.  Comment.  Keep the threads going.

I would also like to extend an invitation to you.  Send us your short stories, your poems, your songs, your paintings (actually a photo of the painting will do just fine).  We could use them for discussion.  Remember, this is a sort of online forum for all.  Don't let your art die a quiet death in the inner recesses of your bedroom (or kitchen, or bathroom, or wherever you come up with your creative works).  Why not share them with us?

In the words of my former roommates favorite band, "take a chance, take a chance, take a chance...."

Email us at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Thoughts on 21

(click here to visit the 21 post and download the song)

Render unto Caesar...

Forget the Disney day care (see 21 post and song linked thereto), what about a private Jet? Rusty, how many villages would that feed?

Blog Roll Building

It's time for us to build a blog roll. Have a blog? Comment with the name and we will add you to the blogroll we are creating. Just find it in our heart to reciprocate.

Back to work... see the posts below.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thoughts on "21"

(click here to download the song "21")

Visit this blog regarding the Willow Creek model. This was sent to me by my dear friend Nicole after reading the lyrics to 21 (see post below). See also

The day after Nicole sent me the above link, I had an incredible dinner conversation with a friend (hereinafter known as "Friend" for confidentiality sake) over a very bland Oklahoma crab boil. Friend is a small town, big church youth minister who is unafraid to ask some very difficult questions, including "why is this crab so darned bland? Didn't they put any crab boil in here?" We began discussing church programming and he intimated that constant programming hasn't really done much for his youth's spiritual growth. In fact, it hasn't even added that many new, committed youth. We then began discussing re-thinking bible-belt church and bibl-belt language. Which led me to the following questions:

What if we could shell all of the programs and all of the church language (i.e. "saved") and begin to explain Christianity at a relational level? What if we stopped feeding our selves with pot-lucks, and revivals, and VBS's, and started serving the school districts in which our churches are situated? What if we stopped throwing money at projection screens and started throwing it toward community clean-ups and homeless ministries? Would that make a difference in the number of believers that came to faith? Would that faith be more authentic, more genuine? Would it eventually make a difference in the spiritual depth of believers that are raised up in the church?

My questions for you:

(1) what kind of church do you attend? Is it program driven (i.e. pizza blasts, revivals, sponsored super bowl parties, special events)? If so, do you think it is effective in "making disciples?";

(2) If you don't attend a program driven church, what does your church do to make disciples? How do you get into the community?

I need answers here. I think the boys in Mozambique should also put their two cents in the hat. Come on Kyle and Rusty, you can be part of my church.

Comment here, or on the "21" post... Just comment.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


(click on the title to download song)

Warning: this is the song that could get me in trouble. Really. At least with some of you.

Please do not take this song as a comment on any one church. It is not. Instead, it is a commentary on the materialism that seems to drive certain congregations in America, and throughout the West. I apologize for the raw commentary, but please understand that I very much identify with the church of which I speak and, from time to time, find myself wanting to be a part of that church. After all, who here does not get excited by the "stuff of earth"? I do. Especially when I can justify the stuff by its particularly keen spiritual application (who else here has bought an x-box for purposes of ministry? I have.).

I guess my broader question is, does this have to be the focus of our local congregations? Is there anything wrong with our "play places"? Does the church that makes such outlays make correlating expenditures to missions, poverty, community devlopment. I don't know, maybe this is where I rely on you guys for some input...


The church just purchased all their dreams with a buck
that was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government
They filled it up with movie theater seats and flat screens
That were borrowed from the bank
That were borrowed from the government

They rationalized it with the lies that if you build it they will come
And pay for all you built
They graced the halls & walls with shades of paints in gray that muted all their guilt

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
You draft, your vote, your tax
Your government TV
Render unto Jesus that which is Jesus'
And when you've paid Matthew
Leave with him, come follow me

The church just purchased ethical degrees with a buck
That was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government
They purchased corporate morality with a buck
That was borrowed from the bank
That was borrowed from the government

They entertained the candidates
And were obliged to make endorsements on
And in return they wrote the bill
That made its way to Capitol Hill
That rezoned the homeless wanderer
To maintain their white facade


We sacrificed our charity so that we could have our own
Disney Day Care Place
We reconciled our ledger and became the moral debtor
So that we could tax a tithe their wage
We rant and rave and froth and foam to justify the loan
So that we can lay claim to another piece of land
And we ignore the rising anger in the stomach of the MakerAs his fists of fury pound out--"Frankly, I do not give a damn!"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

R. Palmer Anyone?

(click on the title to download song)
Really, who didn't want to be him (or one of his dancing girls, ladies)? He sang an incredible song in the 80's. If you haven't heard it, go download it at iTunes (Mudpuppy?). You will find his song as inspiring as I did. And so, I redid it. I did not write any of these lyrics. I merely took my own slant on the tune.
WARNING: Unabashed use of falsetto in this song. Listen at your own risk!
Beneath the fun, there is some really good stuff in this song lyrically speaking. Have at it.
Previous Songs: 1. Train Wreck, 2. Land of Fools, 3. Great Jehovah

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bless the Lord


This song is simple.

I am of course singing about Jesus here.
The thing is that lately my life has been drug through
the mud along with the lives of several of my friends.
One of them recently told me that he had been driving
and was singing worship music to God and at the same
time was enraged and violently opposed to him. This was
a strange place to be, he told me.

In the midst of this pain, loss, and our souls being stretched
thin, this song was a joy to write. It is a joy to praise God.
And, i believe it blesses Him, yes, i believe we can bless Him.
I believe it makes Him fall down silly with happiness when we
speak words of hope, when we stare disappointment in the face

Musically the chorus part that repeats is in minors for a reason, and the reason is that
i'm not bubbly and bouncy right now when i am praising God. This is
not a campfire 3 chord summer-stunt. This is the time when the stuff gets real and
we can only say, as Amber Haines quoted a friend as saying, 'we are sustained.'

Baker's Album: 1) Blinding; 2) Welcome Here

Friday, May 16, 2008

Land of Fools


This is a song inspired by my friend Kyle and his family in Mozambique Africa. As I have reflected over this song in the past few months, I have thought also of Craig and Cindy, who seem to be defying the rich-man syndrome that plagues us. As an addendum, please see this video after listening to the song. Piper has a way with words that I will never have.


There’s a faith deep in our pocket books
Pinstripe in our suits
There’s a jingle in each step of our shoes
We drive on streets of stone
Awash in Texas gold
We all rich men in a land of wealthy fools

We say grace before our next belly full
Let us thank us for our food
We profit on the poor man’s toil and blues
We devise a miserly portion
So to steal the widow’s mite
We all rich men in a land of wealthy fools


We are rich men in a land of wealthy fools
Where the rich men and their money make the rules
With no thought of the narrow
Closing gates to walk on through
We are rich men, in a land of wealthy fools

There’s a love like a dirt floor
Grace like a thatched roof
There’s a faith the length of a soy bean root
There’s a blister bellied boy
With a hope to hold on to,
We all rich men, in a land of wealthy fools


Wisdom is a strange man
With calloused feet and stretching skin
On a road hoed with migrant’s shoes
How beautiful the feet that bring,
The poor man’s simple news

We are rich men in a land of wealthy fools
Where the rich men and their money make the rules
With no thought of the narrow
Closing gates to walk on through
We are rich men, in a land of wealthy fools

We are rich men, in a land of wealthy fools
Where the rich men and their money break the rules;
We place our trust and spend our coin
On metal rust and passing joy
We are rich men in a land of wealthy fools

Seth's Previous Posts: 1. Train Wreck

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Walk On By

(click on the title to download song)

So I haven't written many love songs (a fact my wife often lovingly chides me about), and it's almost summertime, so why not have a summertime love song? So here it is - Staci, I love you!

Here are the lyrics:

Walk On By

Can you see the sun a waiving
On it’s way out of the sky
Watch it go and hope it’s slow
And know it’s time to say goodbye
Can you hear the calm of evening
It’s a summer melody
Come on and stay a moment longer
Won't you linger here with me

I love, I love, I love you
I want you to be mine
And I’ll be yours tonight
I love, I love, I love you
I’m waiting for you now
So don’t turn and walk on by

Can you see the moon a rising
Up into the stary night
Watch her glowing as she shows us
We should slowly say goodnight
Can you see the fireflies dancing
To the music in the air
And the whole earth joins the chorus
For this song we're meant to share

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Welcome Here (The Song)

(click on the title to download song or link below)


There's no one else to trust,
I trust you Lord
Of all that i might lust,
I long for you Lord


Forever connected, securely protected; free
This world rejected, still you excepted me


On my knees
Let nothing in me interfere
On my knees
Holy Spirit you are welcome here

On my knees
Make all resistance disappear
On my knees
Holy Spirit you are welcome here


You formed me from the dust
I live by you Lord
This earth will fade and rust
But you renew me Lord


Forever connected, Securely protected; free
This world rejected, still you accepted me

* I will give small descriptions of how the songs came about
in a few days.*


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Train Wreck - First Post

(Click title of post to download the song)

Read Mark 2:15-17 before listening. I will post a good translation in the comments section as the first comment for those of you who are without your bible at the present time.

Train Wreck

Verse 1:
I remember they said you were all quite pleasant
You some inarticulate innocuous presence
You were as genteel as a sleepy Sunday Drive

I remember no comfort in those stories they told,
In the lies they tied in their perfect collared folds
In the ruby studded links that put their hands in cuffs

Cause you're the coal burning
You're the slow churning
You're the blind siding
The Life unwinding
You're the twisted metal in the train wreck of your love

Verse 2:
And they took me to task and the task was too great
So I fell from their ranks and I gained their disgrace
But they clung to their stories and sinched their knots up tight

And you watched them all choking and you watched them all die
You wrecklessly came like the thorn in my side
And you mangled my models and melted my iron-clad faith

Cause you're the coal burning
You're the slow churning
You're the blind siding
The Life unwinding
You're the twisted metal in the train wreck of your love

You're the smell of the sulfer
You're the wreckage perfume
You're the green house gas in the chemical plume
You're the twisted metal in the train wreck of your love

And their necks crained from their silken noose
And they watched from their white washed tombs
And they scoffed the tragic imprint of
A life wrecked love

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Blinding take #4

(click on the title to download song or link below)

So i redid this little punk with some of the comments in my mind.
sorry no cello.

what does this one do for you?

too hokey? boring?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


(click on the title to download song)

Another moment in time, like that means something to me.
You see; I’m not bound by those things.
There is no sin that’s above; from that I distance myself.
And every battle I’ve won.

Do you know me?
You say you know me.

To live as Christ, and to die? Now that’s a dangerous thought.
Would you accept if I called you to it?
Where seed is hitting the path, your life a symbol displays
that comfort doesn’t last long.

Do you know me?
You say you know me.

The time is coming; it’s set. It’s just a moment from now.
It’s not a question of how. You can’t know that yet.
I’ll just raise my hands and all problems are solved.
So are you ready for light if it’s blinding?

Drawn to shoreline again where you can see everything,
and face the space that’s been blocking your view.
Can an inch not divide? And yet you think you possess
all you need to survive?

*This song was just recently re-recorded. I wrote this in 2003 and
it was originally done faster, with a lot more intricacy in the guitar,
and with djembe. I can always post the original if anyone is interested.

The Baker

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hymns for Friday-Great Jehovah

(click on the title to download song)

I was asked to rewrite a hymn for Church on Sunday. My wife helped me redo it. This is very rough, but here is how it is coming. I will take this post down on Sunday, and be uploading a new song by the Baker. Listen to this one while you can and let me know how you feel about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


(click on the title to download song)

So this is a song that I recorded awhile back called "Whisper." Here are the lyrics:

Left alone
Broken, torn down
With nowhere left to run to
Nowhere left to hide

You find me here
You tell me that
You'll come too
So I'm waiting for you know

Are you coming in the wind?
Are you coming in the flames?
Are you coming with a force
That will make these mountains shake?

Not knowing when
Listening for
Looking for you to come

Are you coming in the wind?
Are you coming in the flames?
Are you coming in my dreams?
Are you coming in the pain?
Are you coming in the wind?
Are you coming in the flames?
Are you coming with a force
That will make these mountains shake?

Will it be different somehow?
Could it be, are you whispering to me?

I will wait for you
I will wait for you
I will wait for you
I will wait for you
I will watch for you
I will look for you
I will stay for you
I will wait for you