Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Music-Piper

(click here to download song)

Today we drop a new song by Seth.

This song came in the car, while I was thinking about the old tale of the pied piper. An odd thought for a song? Sure. I happened to be reading John 6 at the time and found some similarities in the two stories.

Let's here your interpretation of this one in the comments. Feel free to let me know the good, the bad, and the ugly. I enjoy all comments.


los cazadores said...

Seth, can you post the lyrics? I like what I hear, but can't make out everything...


melody said...

This is so interesting. First of all, really catchy. Then, having Christ as a redeemed Pied Piper figure--the young and innocent following in simple faith, with the result of the white fields being reached. In the story, the Piper leads them off into his cave, right? Into oblivion where they're never seen or heard from again? And Christ leads us to freedom when we forget who is around us, demanding our time and attention, and dance until we're free. I like it.