Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday-Photo by Spring

If you don't like this, you ain't right. Although the members of CG did not take this photo, it says a lot about us, and this site. This photo was submitted by Spring Weaver, not to be confused with Dream Weaver. She has preovided a description below. Please pontificate in the comments section. Please visit Spring's site to check out her witticisms and other general goodness.And don't forget to keep working on Monday's musical post.

Pictured: Rufus Wainwright Weaver, 2 years old, lover of walks, bones, his stuffed tiger aptly named "tiger," doggie daycare, and modeling.

Photograph by: Spring Weaver, 25 years old, lover of Rufus Wainwright Weaver.


Joseph Gerke said...

Hey this is good! Seth I am interested in talking to you some time for sure! Do you want to do a meal meeting some time?

Anonymous said...

i love that the dog looks blue.
the guitar looks so lonely back there. it just needs someone to play with.

los cazadores said...

Rufus Wainwright Weaver is pretty much the bomb.

I wonder if he could teach Bob Laurence a.k.a. Bobbin Schlobbin Laurencia the trick of being still for a photo.
