Monday, May 26, 2008

Bless the Lord


This song is simple.

I am of course singing about Jesus here.
The thing is that lately my life has been drug through
the mud along with the lives of several of my friends.
One of them recently told me that he had been driving
and was singing worship music to God and at the same
time was enraged and violently opposed to him. This was
a strange place to be, he told me.

In the midst of this pain, loss, and our souls being stretched
thin, this song was a joy to write. It is a joy to praise God.
And, i believe it blesses Him, yes, i believe we can bless Him.
I believe it makes Him fall down silly with happiness when we
speak words of hope, when we stare disappointment in the face

Musically the chorus part that repeats is in minors for a reason, and the reason is that
i'm not bubbly and bouncy right now when i am praising God. This is
not a campfire 3 chord summer-stunt. This is the time when the stuff gets real and
we can only say, as Amber Haines quoted a friend as saying, 'we are sustained.'

Baker's Album: 1) Blinding; 2) Welcome Here


Seth said...

I listened to this song all day yesterday as my devotion. Unfortunately, I was cooped up at work while everyone was out grilling meat, and drinking cola (er...), and memorializing. As I was sitting at my desk, I began to think about how I could bless the Lord by being joyful about the menial tasks before me. It was encouraging. Thanks for the song.

I am also stuck on your post "Welcome Here." I can't stop listening to it.

Anonymous said...

yeah! big comments.

well, the next couple of posts i will have will not be worship songs, not in the traditional sense at least.
right now i have finished one that is about being patient through the times that are hardest on us.
i've also been playing welcome here slower and about a step or half-step lower. i may even like it better that way.

josh graber said...

Love the song. I really dig the part at the end with "Praise His Name" and "Bless the Lord" together. I think you could live in that for a long time in a worship setting.

The whole idea of us blessing the Lord is interesting. I mean, it's in the Bible and all (the Psalms of full of it), but just the concept that we would have anything that we could bring to God to bless Him, and that He would allow us in our small childishness to bless Him is pretty astounding. Doesn't all blessing come from Him?

It helps me to understand this whole thing by thinking about the parent/child relationship. A father is blessed by a child's simplest act of devotion and love toward her daddy - the little, seemingly insignificant act in the grand scheme of things, actually does something for the father's heart and he is blessed by his child. God enters into that kind of bond or closeness with us, that we can bless him.